
高崎 悠祐(たかさき ゆうすけ)
 Yusuke Takasaki   Available in English!
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●略 歴
国立おざわ~分室~ 分室長就任
ラグビー トップリーグ(現リーグワン) アスレティックトレーナー(1シーズン)、他アメフト、舞台・ミュージカル、大相撲などのトレーナー
Bリーグ アスレティックトレーナー(3シーズン)
鍼治療 東京おざわ 銀座院長就任
東京トリガーポイント研究会 ~Tokyo TP~ 実技指導者
厚生労働省 はり師、きゅう師、あん摩マッサージ指圧師
日本スポーツ協会 公認アスレティックトレーナー
高等学校教諭 一種免許状(保健体育)

Yusuke Takasaki
Director of Kunitachi Ozawa Acupuncture and Osteopathic Clinic (Ginza Branch)

●Carrer Overview

・Joined Kunitachi Ozawa Acupuncture and Osteopathic Clinic
・Appointed as Director of Kunitachi Ozawa Branch Office
・Left Kunitachi Ozawa Acupuncture and Osteopathic Clinic
・Athletic Trainer for Professional Rugby team for one season, and other sports including American football, stage performances, musicals, and sumo wrestling
Athletic Trainer for Professional basketball team for three seasons
・Appointed as Director of Acupuncture Tokyo Ozawa, Ginza Branch
Practical Instructor at Tokyo Trigger Point Research Group ~Tokyo TP~

・Licensed Acupuncturist, Moxibustion Practitioner, and Massage Therapist
・Certified Athletic Trainer (Japan Sport Association)
・High School Teacher's License (Type I) in Health and Physical Education
●Treatment Philosophy

There has been a significant increase in consultations for undefined complaints originating from the autonomic nervous system and long-standing pain that has been difficult to alleviate. To address these symptoms, I aim to improve conditions using trigger point acupuncture therapy, a technique that approaches trigger points, which are often the true cause of these issues.
As an athletic trainer, I have also treated top athletes, constantly working to help them achieve better condition and higher performance levels.
With a completely appointment-based system and one-on-one care, I strive to provide an environment where patients can have personal time to engage in dialogue with their own bodies. My goal is to assist in improving your daily life.

I am committed to being a trustworthy resource for acupuncture treatment of long-standing symptoms, aiming to improve QOL and maximize performance. I also aspire to spread Japanese acupuncture techniques to people from abroad.
With these aspirations in mind, I dedicate myself to providing thorough and meticulous treatment every day. I look forward to serving you.